The Collaborative Divorce Process in Kentucky

Collaborative divorce goes beyond just settling a divorce. It is a carefully planned process where spouses work together to reach a settlement outside of court with the assistance of lawyers and other specialists. This process focuses on respect, open communication, and finding a solution that benefits both sides. To understand the benefits of collaborative divorce and determine if it is the right option for you, in this post, we will discuss the collaborative divorce process in Kentucky and explain how an experienced collaborative divorce attorney can assist you.
What Exactly Is Collaborative Divorce?
Collaborative divorce is a legal process that allows spouses to negotiate the terms of their divorce without the need to fight it out in court. During this process, the couple will use a combination of tactics, including negotiation and mediation, to come to an agreement on the critical terms of the divorce, such as child support, child custody, and property division.
Under the collaborative divorce model, the participants will work with collaboratively trained legal professionals to reach an agreed-upon resolution. These attorneys will be responsible for guiding the participants through the whole process.
The Specific Parties Involved in a Collaborative Divorce
In a collaborative divorce in Kentucky, the individuals involved in this process usually include the following:
- The divorcing couple, who will work together to come to an agreement without having to go to court
- Each spouse will have their own collaborative divorce attorney
- Other professionals may be called in to help with the process, including financial specialists, child professionals, divorce coaches, and others
The Goals of a Collaborative Divorce
In general, the goal of a collaborative divorce is for a couple to come to a separation agreement that:
- Is acceptable to both sides
- Offers guidelines that ensure everyone involved is protected
- Provides a foundation for effective communication between the spouses after a divorce
- Helps in preparing a healthy co-parenting arrangement
- Looks to minimize the costs associated with divorce
- Removes the traditional legal system from the divorce
Once a couple completes the collaborative divorce process, they ideally will be satisfied with the outcome and better equipped to work productively with their former spouse.
How Does Collaborative Divorce Work?
The collaborative divorce process involves participants meeting with several experts, including psychologists, divorce coaches, and financial planners, to reach a divorce settlement. During these meetings, the couple will work together to make crucial decisions regarding the division of their marital property and assets, liability for matrimonial debts, spousal maintenance, and other issues. Once the couple has come to an agreement, the process will be complete.
However, if the couple cannot reach a decision regarding the divorce, the spouses may need to go to court. This means that they will each have to hire a new attorney and start the process from the beginning. That is why, before proceeding with a collaborative divorce in Kentucky, consider reviewing your situation with an experienced collaborative divorce attorney to determine the best option for your situation.
Contact Hoffman Walker & Knauf Today for More Information
At the law firm of Hoffman, Walker & Knauf, attorney Greta Hoffman Walker has been a trained collaborative lawyer for divorce and custody issues since 2004. She is committed to providing clients and their loved ones with the representation they deserve and offering as many options as possible to help individuals get through this difficult time.
If you are looking for more information about the collaborative divorce process in Kentucky or want further details about starting the process, contact Hoffman Walker & Knauf today and speak with a member of our legal team about the services we offer.